I’m thankful for . . . Part 3

**I’m going to take a little time to write a “featurette” about each of the kids this Thanksgiving season. Because, well – I’m thankful for them! And I love ‘em. How unique they are! We are blessed by them being a part of our family and we enjoy watching each unfold into the person God has created him or her to be, and we are grateful.** If you missed the first part about Jake, you can read it here; for part 2 (about Cole), click here.

I realize that this is going out to the public on Thanksgiving Day, so before I go forward — Happy Thanksgiving! We miss so many of you, our dear family and friends. We pray today is a blessed one.

Moving right along, in no particular order, I’m sharing today about one of our sweet daughters, Halia. She was born into our family as the 3rd child. Before she was born, we were sure she was going to be a boy. Most Maucks had been boys — for generations! We were so wildly excited to welcome a daughter and sister into our little brood. And 11.4 years later, she’s still a joy (most of the time!) 🙂


Lately, these days, recently, she’s been very crafty. But then, that’s not just recent. She’s always been crafty. This week she was rather secretive about something including Mod-Podge and tin cans. I can’t wait to see what she’s come up with! (I hear Christmas is right around the corner, and have a hunch I may find out then what she’s made!) I just love ModPodge. So does she. And she uses it better than I do.


Speaking of using things, Halia is a sort-of “techie”. I actually ask her questions about how to use technology around the house. She navigates the smart TV and gets Pandora running on it, no problem. She created a couple collages online at PicMonkey (have you heard of it? It’s pretty cool!) She set contact photos for most of you on my phone. 🙂 She just picks that stuff up so easily. If she doesn’t know what to do, she clicks around and figures it out. She’s sharp.

Speaking of sharp, Halia is a natural learner. She moves through her school assignments with ease. She absorbs information throughout the day. She’s good with numbers. She’s good with words. She’s got a terrific memory, and quickly masters her weekly Bible verse from youth group. She’ll remember what artist sings which song, or what someone was wearing at a particular function.

halia with little one

Speaking of clothes, Halia is showing a wonderful ability to put together an outfit. We’re enjoying shopping together even more than we have in the past and she’s a great help at choosing clothing. I’ve begun to let her choose many of Marissa’s outfits out as well, because I just love what she combines. So much so, I check with her after I’ve put something on. She can assess quickly how it looks.


Speaking of quick, Halia is not. I mean to say, her brain is quick, but her body isn’t. She likes to take her time. Getting out the door, cleaning up her room, sweeping the porch, washing the dishes. She is laid back and relaxed–which I love about her–so she brings that approach to most of what she does. It’s a good balance for me. She’s creative, people. She needs time for those juices to flow!

playhouse kitchen 5

Speaking of creative, Halia loves to make things. Her project over the last month was making a section of the barn into a play house for her and Marissa. And then they surprised Dean by creating one for him right next door to them. 🙂 She is artistic and loves to draw. She’s pretty amazing with a pen. Or marker. Could be pencil. She has even done Sharpie pictures, with big, bold lines that turn into beautiful coloring pages for Marissa. Marissa has a collection of them that she loves.


Speaking of collection, Halia is getting into photography as of late, and is racking up a nice collection of lovely flower photos. We think she’s got a good eye for it. She’s now convinced she wants to be a photographer someday. Along with some graphic design. And some singing/song-writing (she also has started writing songs and has sweetly decorated a notebook to house what she pens). 🙂

flower collage

Speaking of sweet, she’s become quite a baker. Of cupcakes from scratch! Oh my, they’re delicious! My hips are not thrilled. Great baking combined with artistic ability, and she’s a force to be reckoned with! She has blessed neighbors with them. She’s blessed her dad’s colleagues. She’s blessed her small group. She’s blessed a group dinner at church. Generally, anyone who has tasted one has been blessed.

PicMonkey Collage

tray of cupcakes

Speaking of blessed, we are — by Halia being a part of our family. Not because she can bake yummy quiche for dinner. Or because each day she wakes with a smile. Or shares her hugs freely. Or writes sweet notes of encouragement. Or plays great games with her younger brother. Or gives her younger sister a helping hand so very often. We just plain love her for the beautiful young lady she was created by God to be on the outside, and the beauty she’s choosing in her heart as she seeks to honor God with her life. She’s growing up fast and we know she’ll be spreading her wings someday. But for right now, this moment, she’s just a precious 11. And we’re grateful.



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7 thoughts on “I’m thankful for . . . Part 3

  1. Halia, yes, you are a fun, creative young lady and I always know I’ll find a smile whenever I’m with you. And it’s contagious! Your gentle and sweet spirit is a joy to be with. You’re a wonderful example for all the younger ladies in your life (I’m sure down there, but definitely up here). And be sure to know they are watching and you are loved!

  2. I remember how wildly excited I WAS when I found out that Halia was a girl! So pretty then, and getting even lovelier each and every day as she is growing in to a young lady with a beautiful heart. What a JOY she has been and is to so many. She always makes me laugh with her little comments and quick wit (and of course sweet spirit). I’m so impressed with her artistic talent and happy that she has a Mom who encourages her to express this talent in all the different things she’s interested in. Halia, you are one of a kind and a treasure for sure. I love you!

  3. I’m always so happy to see your smile and hugs you give me. You are always so dolled up with your outfit and hair – which is a gorgeous color and it’s so thick and shiny! You are a sweety.

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